The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

The peculiar, secret organization of mystics called the Order of the Rising Sun or Tindómëlië included Healers, Artists and Doorwardens, as well as non-Fellows. They indulged in simple rituals and hokum which they believed important to the physical and spiritual well being of the city.These ritual,could involve the use of mildly narcotic drugs and potent wine.. and appealed to be as much an excuse for a secret binge as anything else. A number of members were somewhat crackpot: idealists and pacifists, others might actually, have had some esoteric powers connected with talking to dead sprits, foretelling future events and tapping the energy of the elements.Adventurers staying in the city were quite likely to be invited to join the society for a bag of silver, and good luck to them.The Tindómëlië had no formal structure or head.


Original form in MERP:Tindómë-lië
