The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Adrazar Adûnaphel Agburanar Akhorahil Alatar Anarin Anborn Annalena Aragorn II Arinmir Arwen Asternak Azog Baduila Bairanax Balin Bard Bowman Barliman Butterbur Baugur Belegorn Beorn Beregond Beretar Bergil Bifur Bilbo Bill Ferny Bill the Pony Blackbole Bofur Bolg Bombur Boromir II Brand Bûrat Bûthrakaur Calendal Caradhras Carambor Celeborn Cirdan Ciryaher Daelomin Dain II Damrod Dâsakûn Deallus Denethor II Doeth Dogrib Dorelas Dori Drór Dwalin Dwar of Waw Earcaraxe Elerína Elladan Elrohir Elrond Elwen Eomer Eowyn Eradan Erkenbrand Eun Euog Faramir Fili Firiel Folco Boffin Fori the beardless Forlong Fram Framson Frodo Galadriel Galdor Galva Gamling the Old Gandalf Gergeli Ghan-Buri-Ghan Gildor Inglorion Gimli Gisulf Gloin Glorfindel II Goldberry Gollum Golodhros Gorbag Gothmog Great Goblin Grimburgoth Grishnakh Gulla Hador Halbarad Haldalam Haldir Hama Hendolen Herion Hoarmurath of Dir Imrahil Indur Dawndeath Ioreth Itangast Ivic Jerrek Jûoma Khamul the Easterling Kili Landroval Leaflock Leamon Legolas Leucaruth Lindion the Oronin Lobelia Sackville-Baggins Lugdush Luitprand Mablung Farmer Maggot Master of Esgaroth Mauhúr Merry Mîonid Mouth of Sauron Muzgash Nain Nenseld Nevido Smod Noose of the Sea Nori Odoacer Oin Old Man Willow Old Thrush Ôm-buri-Ôm Ori Orophin Ostisen Pallando Peath Perchen Pippin Pon Opar Pôn-ora-Pôn Quickbeam Radbug Radagast Râisha Ren the Unclean Roac the Raven Robin Smallburrow Rogrog Sam Gamgee Saruman Sauron Scatha Scorba Shadowfax Shagrat Shamas Shelob Skinbark Smaug Snaga Spider of the Môrlat Súrion Taladhan Tarcil Théoden Thorin II Thrain II Threlin Tom Bombadil Treebeard Tros Hesnef Tûma Uchel Uglúk Ufthak Ulkaur the Tongueless Umagaur the Pale Uvatha the Horseman Voteli Vygavril Wacho Warg-King Watcher in the Water Witch-king of Angmar Woffung Wormtongue Wuluag
