The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Barad Esher


Location of Barad Esher and Minsiril Camp (MERP)

Barad Esher (S. "Esher's Tower") was an old Calantiri tower. This keep had been the target of the Raggers' 1642 (T.A.) campaign, when they had still been in the pay of the King of Saerlann. The Corrod-Arfcelfyddion took it from the east in mid September, under the command of Lord Celedur. It was a dirty and foul place after having been an overcrowded Orc-tower for four years; the Jagged-Ax, the mercenary company garrisoned in Barad Esher, called it "Stancvisbaurg" (later "Stenchburh"). While they might have wished they were somewhere else, part of the problem was that they were too lazy and ill-disciplined to clean up the tower themselves or be trusted with some other duty. Fiorel of Saerlann had an agent on hand trying to buy the tower from them on behalf of King Laneig.


  • Original form in MERP: Buhr Stench (corrected to "Stancvisbaurg" and "Stenchburh").


  • MERP #2005: Arnor